Things That Can Harm Hardwood Floors

hardwood floorsNothing really brings about elegance in a household like hardwood floors. They give a rustic, classic look. On top of that, they take less effort to clean than traditional carpets. However, they can get damaged. To avoid that, you just need to know what to look out for. We go over some things that can harm hardwood floors here.

Harsh Chemicals:

Chemicals including ammonia, detergent, vinegar, etc. can harm the integrity of your floors. Avoid cleaning with them over other methods.

High Heels:

Unfortunately, repeatedly walking on hardwood with high heels can create dents. These dents can compound in number and severity over time. Take off these shoes when inside the house.

Bare Furniture Legs:

Without padding under them, the legs of your furniture can create large dents. They dig into the floors with their own weight, as well as people’s added weight when they sit on them.


Never let water, or any other liquid, sit on your hardwood floors. It can cause the wood to curl. Clean up any messes immediately.


Keep these things in mind, and you’ll worry a lot less about your floor’s health. If you’d like to take advantage of professional hardwood installation, give DFW Flooring Warehouse a call. You can reach us at (817) 861-3737.