Monthly Archives: April 2015

Pros And Cons Of A Plush Carpet

plush carpetSo, for whatever reason, you need new carpets; you bought a new house or your old carpets have gotten ruined. Either way, you’ve got a big decision to make. You have a wide selection to choose from, but they don’t all work in every situation. To help you make your decision, we’ve gone over the pros and cons of a plush carpet.



  • Plush provides probably the most comfortable texture of any option. Great for bare feet, the whole family can gather on one.
  • They add a great aesthetic appeal to a room’s decor.
  • With proper and thorough maintenance, plush carpets often last longer than their thinner counterparts due to their high density.


  • They require much more vacuuming and preening. Because they have such a thick layer, foot prints and vacuum streaks often remain.
  • Stains become much more dangerous; they seep very quickly to the base, so need to get handled immediately before they become permanent.

Keep these in mind when deciding which carpet choice will prove right for you. If you’d like to hear from a professional, why not give DFW Flooring Warehouse a call? To talk to us about our services, you can reach us at (817) 861-3737.

What You’ll Get With Vinyl Flooring

Some purchases cost so much money that you absolutely must ensure that you make the right choice the first time. This includes new floor installation. Since you have so many choices, you need to educate yourself before a purchase, as well as go over everything with your roofing contractor. To help you with the former, we’ve gone over what you’ll get with vinyl flooring.

vinyl flooring






Each flooring material has its own advantages. The following includes just some of the things you’ll get with vinyl flooring installation.

  • It can take a lot of foot traffic
  • The material feels comfortable under your feet
  • It doesn’t make much noise
  • It costs less than most other options
  • It can get easily installed and maintained
  • It comes in a variety of styles, colors and textures to fit your aesthetic needs

Do these sound like some advantages you’d like to experience for yourself? If so, DFW Flooring Warehouse offers professional vinyl floor installation. We also have a wide variety of other flooring services. To find out more, speak with one of our friendly representatives at (817) 861-3737.